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Recently a dear friend contacted me extremely upset, regarding matters of the heart.

Children are getting exposed to iPods, cell phones, and video games really early on in life these days. How soon should children really have these gadgets?

A woman once told me that I was selfish for waiting to have kids. I explained to her that I did want children but not until I lived my life and was more financially sound and could raise my kids without worries about money. 

Wearing a cross necklace doesn’t make you a good Christian either… By The Chosen Chick: Since I’ve started this new, wonderful relationship with God, I have noticed that people are trying to prove to me that they know God too! It’s kind of weird, because there are people who have misquoted the Bible in front […]

Your RealAge is the biological age of your body, based on how well you've maintained it.

These three steps can help move you closer to your purpose in life: 1. Pay attention to your spirit within that inspires you.  Nurtue your inner child that you might have stiffled due to adult responabilites.  Remember what brings you joy. 2. Make a list of your god-given talents. Make a list of all the […]

The cornerback steered his custom truck through familiar streets. The ex-convict sat shotgun and pointed out landmarks, this “drug hole,” that “crack house,” the best routes for eluding the police. Al Harris, at right above, with Kevin Soto. The two childhood friends plan to release a Christian rap album in August. SOURCE: The New York […]

Guess who's coming to a television near you with their life story???

Via:tampabay.com More than 66 percent of Americans believe the quality of life in their community declined in the last year. Only 24 percent believe it will get better. A whopping 53 percent think our current state will remain in place. The results come from a community snapshot survey conducted by the national YMCA, and they […]

The Stinkin’ Corpse Flower that’s who…… I thought this was an interesting story as i have never heard of such a plant, makes me want to go and check it out. Bring your gas mask! Lol… Via: Houston Chronicle By MATTHEW WOOLBRIGHT