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Source: JOEL SAGET / Getty

It’s clear the year hasn’t started as the best, but growing up all I ever heard was “it’s people out there going through worse things than you”.

I was never shown that people had it bad until I got older. Just recently I was telling someone of my experience of traveling to Atlanta, GA as an adult versus a kid. As a kid, I was sheltered and shown the beautiful parts of the city. As an adult, I got the chance to explore and came across a street that was covered with tents. In my head, it went down several miles, it may have been a few blocks.


These tents had people living in them. At the time I was living in my grandmother’s, sharing a room with my daughter. At that moment right there,  I knew things could be worse. The idea of living with a roof over my head, running water, and food become so much more amazing.

Today in the times of an unknowing pandemic, where we have to practice a new normal way of living because of the risk of catching COVID-19, the numbers of those infected and dying aren’t adding up,  and having to continue our day to day as normal as possible while more people are laid-off can feel overwhelming.

In these situations, it’s easier said than done, but we have to pray for better days because there are people going through something worse.


Praying For Better Days  was originally published on