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4. Retell Bible stories in your own words. Don’t be afraid to use your imagination. Dramatize with your actions, chalk talks, and puppets. (Remember, our Scriptures evolved from “oral tradition.)

5. Read and discuss the Sunday at family mealtimes. Sunday meal is the ideal place to recharge and connect Look for a word or phrase that speaks to you. Use a commentary for background information.

6. Teach your children to use Scripture as a springboard to prayer. Read the Thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians together, replacing “love” with your name. Respond to your reading with short, thoughtful prayers: “Seek first the kingdom of God…Lord, help me to put you first in my life.”

7. Systematically read through an entire book of the Bible together, such as one of the Gospels or the book of Proverbs. Memorize a Scripture verse a week. Recite in the car, before meals, at bedtime .Offer incentives such as stickers or other small rewards for verses successfully memorized.

7 Easy Steps to Teach Your Child Scripture  was originally published on

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