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The victim woman sued Watchtower, the Fremont, California congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Kendrick in 2011. Her lawsuit contended that Kendrick molested her over a two-year period beginning when she was 9 years old. She is now 26.

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Victim’s attorney says “the verdict is significant”. Jehovah’s Witnesses were ordered to pay more than $20 million dollars to a girl who was allegedly sexually abused by one of its members, according to MSNBC.

The Alameda County Superior Court jury found the religious group partly responsible, as they concluded that the elders who managed the congregation knew that Jonathan Kendrick – the man accused of abusing her – had recently been convicted of sexually abusing another child, but had kept his past record hidden.

The victim woman sued Watchtower, the Fremont, California congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Kendrick in 2011.

Read the details here

Jehovah’s Witnesses are best known for their door-to-door preaching, distributing literature such as The Watchtower and Awake!, and refusing military service and blood transfusions. They consider use of the name Jehovah vital for proper worship. They reject Trinitarianism, inherent immortality of the soul, and hellfire, which they consider to be “unscriptural” doctrines. They do not observe Christmas, Easter, birthdays, or other holidays and customs they consider to have pagan origins incompatible with Christianity. Adherents commonly refer to their body of beliefs as “the truth” and consider themselves to be “in the truth”. Jehovah’s Witnesses consider secular society to be morally corrupt and under the influence of Satan, and limit their social interaction with non-Witnesses.

Will Jehovah’s  Witnesses be hounded the way Catholic have? That is yet to be seen.

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Check out our gallery below of people who survived abuse.

Sad! Jehovah’s Witnesses Ordered To Pay $20Mil In Child Sex Abuse Case!  was originally published on