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Happy Thursday Saints!

The title of this speaks volumes! Most of us are already saved… right? Fact of the matter is Many of us don’t know what that truley means.

Over the last couple of weeks, it seems that at every event that I attend or host that GOD is placing really good people in my life. The thing that inspires me is growth and increase and this past weekend I recieved an inspirational book from author Tabitha S. Rose called “A Season Of Change”.

I’ve started reading and it has already given me insight on how GOD is present in these times. So no matter how hard life may seem, I think this book can provide a insight on peace, joy and hope. This book is filled with scriptures and quotes such as “You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great” on procrastination .

Come into agreemenmt with me and let’s go into “A Season of Change” together over the next 13 weeks!