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Via: Elev8.Com By:  Javen Online

In life we are faced with so many challenges that make it almost impossible to go on. I think about how many times in the past that I wanted to run from different life issues. It’s like the more you live the more you face problems and challenges that seem to be so over whelming. Well there is one thing that I have learned no matter what and that is to never lose courage. It’s very easy to just throw in the towel when things seem tough. I think we do this a lot because we lose the ability to be confident in what could be a great outcome. So my power thought to you this week is, “DON’T GIVE AWAY YOUR CONFIDENCE.”  Your very ability to be confident gives you a fifty percent chance to conquer whatever is in front of you. This is why it’s the first thing you must hold on to no matter what. Because confidence means the belief in power and trustworthiness of a person or thing.  Your confidence in God will give you the kind of staying power that will help you not back down from any challenges in life.

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