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—  Bill Cosby is setting the record straight about his vital signs.  The 73-year-old comedic legend took to Twitter on Monday to tweet that he is indeed very much alive, contrary to Internet rumors about his death.  Shortly before 4:00 pm Eastern, Cosby wrote, quote, “Again, I’m rebuttaling rumors about my demise.”  “The Cos” then went on to promote his new iPhone application that features video, audio clips and concert information.  According to the “New York Post,” the man once known as “America’s Favorite Dad” was the subject of another Internet death rumor back in February.  He also used Twitter to refute the reports, tweeting, quote, “As you well know, a dead person cannot rebuttal.  Therefore I am rebuttaling to tell you that when I heard the news I immediately began rebuttaling and went into denial.” 

Cosby acknowledged the misuse of the word “rebuttal” as a verb, but added, quote, “I don’t care, because I’m alive.”