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Worrying can be a resourceful habit if you are trying to recruit high blood pressure, a migraine, or waste meaningless hours of your life.

 If not then worrying becomes the biggest enemy to your life next to suicide – although it could probably lead to suicide if not brought under control.  Why talk about something so minor or passing?  Well because it’s the little negative things that add up to very big negative things that evolve into big problems. I find myself worrying sometimes over the smallest thing, yet it seems big to me at the time. I think this happens because the emotions may be attached to the issue in some real way.  Your emotions will get the best of you every time if you don’t have a real knowledge of what life for you is all about.

This is why it’s ok and very necessary to evaluate yourself every now and then. Ask questions like, “Am I doing all I can to handle this situation? Is there some habit that I have now that will cost major problems later, and if so how can I get it under control?” These kinds of questions will reveal a number of answers that will be clues to how you can become a better you and less of a worry worm.