
Via: The unemployment rate in the United States was last reported at 9.1 percent in July of 2011, begs us to ask the question should we hold our breath for economy to get rolling again? The current fragile and painful economic crisis has us holding our breath for relief on the near horizon for […]

Are you searching for some residual income ideas? Perhaps you are looking for ways to earn a second income or generate enough money for retirement. Whatever the reason, residual income is probably the best way to reach your financial goals. First of all, let us define residual income. The easiest definition is that this type […]

Historically, Black-owned banks were important institutions in the African-American community that provided loans and services to Blacks when white institutions refused.

Via: From big-ticket purchases to basic household items, people from all economic backgrounds are prioritizing their shopping lists to spend wisely on items worth the investment.

Many old homes still have the original knob-and-tube wiring. Although it works, it can pose a fire hazard — especially in the attic, where it’s likely to be covered by insulation. Evidence of the knob-and-tube wiring will be in the basement. So be prepared to ask the right questions.

The purpose of this budget is to come up with a system to govern everyday spending. If nothing else, remember this one simple budgeting rule: Spend less money than you make. We are all in tight budget times. The best thing about it is that when you learn the key you can master all the ins and outs of the budget.

Debit is now the preferred payment type in most point-of-sale locations, beating cash, credit cards and checks. But that doesn’t mean you should use debit cards all the time. In some situations, using a debit card can expose you to fraud or identity theft.

Foreclosure rescue fraud is sweeping the country and can end up costing you the home and equity you’re desperately trying to save from foreclosure. If someone who is not your mortgage lender promises to save your home and asks for you to pay money up front, you need to be very cautious.  Here are 5 […]

With the stock market taking a down turn and loans being hard ti get, silver and gold are reaching epic proportions for personal investment.

Interviews with employers who make counteroffers, and employees who accept them, have shown that as tempting as they may be, acceptance may cause career suicide.