Yolanda Adams says there’s one thing you need to remember when praying, and that is god cannot fail you. Listen to the audio player to hear…

Prayer isn’t hard, but you can feel lost when you’re first starting out. Listen to the audio player to hear Yolanda Adams explain the importance…

Prayer should be like breathing. Listen to the audio player to hear Yolanda Adams discuss how you should begin your prayers, and what to pray…

It is Monday. The hardest day of the week for many of us. Let's try this week to make Monday the hallmark in which we claim all that is good and great in life. This will be the week in which we reign victorious. We claim all these things in the name of the Divine.ake a moment a give yourself a huge stretch, and wake up. The first thing you want to do is say thank you for this day. Be thankful for the people in your life and that you woke up.