You know that list of companies that are outspoken about gay marriage? The ones that tell gun advocates to put their firearms away when walking…

I’ve been sweating with my homeboy Joe for years and you should start hanging with my favorite workout partner too beauties. Coffee, also known as…

Ingredients 2 lbs bone-in short ribs 2 Tbs kosher salt 3 Tbs ground black pepper 2 Tbs onion powder 2 Tbs garlic powder 1/4 cup…

Coffee. Joe. Java. Whatever you call it, 54% of Americans drink it everyday. While experts warn that there’s definitely such a thing as too much,…

When you’re busy in a tizzy and thinking, “what’s for dinner?”  Check out this scrumptious recipe courtesy of Cece Mcghee from our sister site designed for those on…

via: Drinking a daily cup of coffee — or even several cups — isn’t likely to harm your health, and it may even lower your risk of dying from chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, a new study in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests. The relationship between coffee drinking and […]

Nearly 8 in 10 Americans drink coffee. Are you one of the 8 out of 10 drinkers? Regular coffee drinking can have some negative effects on your health, but they can also encourage great thing


Stressful day? Don't reach for a candy bar. Try one of these soothing liquids instead.