The hardest part any person must deal with is looking in the mirror. Facing the reflection is difficult. What we do when we dive deeply into who we are is what matters. What would happen if we didn’t think it was wrong to be vulnerable? Some judgments that come to mind when I express my […]

Our homes are shelter from the storms. If there is chaos and unrest in your home, begin with this prayer when you return tonight.  Our homes are the place in which we regroup rest and find peace. It is within the walls we find the ability to recharge our batteries from the day’s demands. A […]

We all want to think positive. No one wants to be that person that people run away from. We all want to love lives that can be reflective of what we wish to do in our lives. Joy, happiness, and forward thinking should be your mantra. If we are creatures of a loving God why […]

The world tries to weigh us down but we need to embrace happiness and agree to be happy. the ability to be happy or find happiness comes from embracing love. Love What is love?” Is this a question that needs an answer? Are Christians confronted with this question? Christians not only want to know what […]

Each day brings a new beginning. It’s a fresh start to possibilities for each of us. What we do with the things that cross our path is exclusively up to us. How we handle the bumps in the road is what defines us as people. There will always be bumps in the road. It is […]

After viewing the  fight videos of Teen Mom  Janelle and the fist fight on the subway, I am left with a question. Do we instantly go  from zero to revenge and avenge in thirty seconds? Revenge does not serve any proper survival role. The original harm is already done. Revenge will not undo it Revenge […]

There  is a point in our lives when we decide that we just must embrace happiness and joy. That comes with great price and sacrifice to get there.Joy can make one feel good – but the emotion that joy may produce is not joy itself. There is an element in joy that is a yearning […]

It’s Sunday, the Sabbath for most of us. It is the day in which we thank Him for everything that we have. It allows us to be grateful and take a chance to refresh our minds, body and souls.Perhaps, you may think why should I be grateful when my life sucks or when things do […]

It is around this time every year that people begin to get severe cases of “career change iti-s” Though not everyone will participate we can begin thinking about it. If you are considering a career change here are 8 steps to help make it easier. 1. Do you really want to change careers? A career […]

Furious about an unkind comment? Angry about a social snub? Say a prayer, even if you’re not religious. There have been several different schools of thought on this. When you were little your mother most likely told you to “pray for that child, or this child” Well research is starting to  point in the direction […]