After reading “Colleges Become the Victims of Progressivism,” where Washington Post columnist, conservative, and consistent curmudgeon George Will argued that there is no campus rape…

So, like everyone else I watch a great deal of reality television. Most people won’t admit it. Many are ashamed to reveal it! I am…


(HOUSTON) — Imagine receiving a wrong prescription that leaves you handicapped for life. A Houston-area man is suing CVS, claiming the pharmacy’s mistake caused him…

Business Insider published a list entitled, “The Sexiest Scientists Alive” and Black female scientist, Kyla McMullen noticed that the list lacked Black women and there…

  Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee by their grandson Muta’Ali, will have its world premiere at Film Life 18th Annual American Black Film Festival. The…

It’s a popular belief that it can sometimes be painful to be beautiful (bikini waxes, anyone?). And generally, as long as it’s done by a…

Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States.   Dating back to 1865, it was on June 19th that the Union…


Yoga is no longer just for the “cute chicks in leggings.” Although a majority of my classes are still packed with women, there are a…

Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, is a holiday of notable significance for many African Americans. June 19, 1865, highlights the abolition…