What do you do when your have been ostracized, gossiped about and basically maligned? Do you give up and go away? Do you throw up your hands in submission and fade into obscurity? Isaiah Washington did none of these. In fact after speaking with him I have never been more aware of an individual carving […]

Good morning blessed Family remember and sing along, I give myself away, I give myself away so you can use me, (repeat 3 more times),

There  is a point in our lives when we decide that we just must embrace happiness and joy. That comes with great price and sacrifice to get there.Joy can make one feel good – but the emotion that joy may produce is not joy itself. There is an element in joy that is a yearning […]

It is Monday. The hardest day of the week for many of us. Let’s try this week to make  Monday the hallmark in which we claim all that is good and great in life. This will be the week in which we reign victorious. We claim all these things in the name of the Divine.ake […]