Beyonce has said she donated the money she earned at a private party in 2009 to earthquake relief efforts in Haiti after learning the promoter had links to the family of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.


Good morning blessed Family remember as Jesus spoke to the disciples about prayer, So I say to you. Ask and keep on asking and it shall be given you;

The institution of marriage is perfect. God created it. What is not perfect are the husband and the wife. The husband and wife are not perfect because they were once boyfriend and girlfriend. Dating is ruining marriages. Shoot boyfriend/girlfriend relationships are lasting longer than marriages these days.

via: The Internet is a great resource for accessing information with the click of a mouse. However, that’s also what makes it bad. Sites like are springing up fast and compromising your privacy by providing too much personal information that could easily fall into the wrong hands. niftily offers your home address, […]

Mavis Staples performed her heart out on the stage of Conan O Brien's late night talk show. Mavis has been on the show a few times. On February 13, 2011, Mavis Staples won her first Grammy award.

This week's actions of Whitney Houston's daughter is a cry for wisdom. Wisdom is the one thing we all strive to have. It is often referred to as a blessing that comes with age. Each day we should strive to be wise. When we look at the actions of young people such as Whitney Houston’s daughter Bobbi Kristina we are left wondering where is the wisdom to know better.