Bishop Secular

It’s the start of football season and Bishop Secular has noticed a little divide between a lot of the men and women in church! The men come…

Bishop Secular

Bishop Secular has a helpful tip on how to get the tea on your daddy. Is he a rolling stone? Do you think there are other kids…

Bishop Secular

Bishop Secular tells a story illustrating the little ways in which he takes care of his home by making sure he’s keeping the peace with his…

Bishop Secular stopped attending Christian bachelor parties because they were like going to a men’s conference. But listen to the audio player to hear what happened…

Bishop Secular understands everyone came into the world naked, but that’s not an excuse for grown men to walk around naked in the men’s locker room…

It’s Bishop Secular‘s last day before vacation and he came to work ready, flip flops and all! The only reason he came was so he didn’t get…

Bishop Secular is shouting out all the prayer warriors who pray for any and everybody. They are the real MVPs. But listen to the audio player…

Bishop Secular asked a woman if her eyes were her natural color. Well, he learned that was a bad idea because she went off! She told…

“I luh school! You don’t luh school? What’s wrong with you?” It’s back to school time and Bishop Secular couldn’t be happier. Listen to the audio player…

Bishop Secular‘s Board of Trustees is proposing a purge! They want to get rid of anyone in the church that is undesirable. Listen to the…