

"I Have A Niece Who Was Diagnosed With Autism At Age Three And Now She's Twenty Eight And Full Of life And Love" Family We Have To Talk About It, It's Real And It Exist And Resources Are Available.

(From Getting healthy doesn’t necessarily mean turning your whole life upside down. There are simple adjustments that can be made to your daily routine to get you trucking down the road to a healthier, happier you.

(From Fat-free is the healthiest choice. Don’t eat after the sun goes down. Eat a low carb diet. We’ve all been exposed to various “diet tips” over the years and, accurate or not, many of us still live by them. It’s time to demystify six of these outdated and unhelpful rules once and for […]

Via: AOL NEWS President Obama is set to sign into law a health-care bill that would extend insurance to the 32 million Americans who are currently without it.But the more than 2,000-page health insurance bill has left more than a few consumers confused about what health-care reform will actually mean to them. Here are the […]

(From You’ve finally gotten off the couch and into the gym. Now instead of spending hours in front of the television, you’re spending hours at the gym sweating off pounds and conditioning your body. But how are you feeling?


"Please Continue to Pray For Our Commander And Chief Of These United States Of American, His Family, His Administration, Congress,This Country And All Local, National And International Leaders" 1 Timothy 2:1-3

(From Diet is the biggest component to losing fat — you can burn 600 calories (for example) in a workout, but you can easily eat 2-3 times that much in one sitting if you’re eating junk food. As they say, you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. I’d still recommend getting active and burning calories […]

I can’t believe that after all these years I had no indication of this. How could I have been so clueless to something that directly affected me. I was/am an emotional eater.

(From – Swimsuit season is here and pretty much everybody is beginning their quest to develop their beach body.

(From When the sun comes up and you begin to stir, what runs through your mind? When your eyes open and your mind and body begin to awaken from a night of sleep, what happens? What does your mind do? What does your body want?