
Valentine’s weekend at the multiplex will be Grey vs. Clay. Exploitation vs. innocence. “Unusual behavior” (why the MPAA’s rated “Fifty Shades” R) vs. thoughtful behavior. Old Fashioned, aimed squarely at “Fifty Shades of Grey,” hopes to influence the outcome. “This Valentine’s Day,” says the trailer, “leave the door open to two souls who take the time […]

The story of Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey isn’t really about dominance or bondage or even sex or love, despite all the Harlequin Romance–worthy character…

The story of Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey isn’t really about dominance or bondage or even sex or love, despite all the Harlequin Romance–worthy character names. No, what Fifty Shades of Grey offers is a story  about  a young man learning, stripping  down ( pun intended) and  redefining his center. In other words, you can […]

The Tankards are  honest. Very honest. The first season of Thicker Than Water revealed a side f Ben Tankard, who we we knew as  professional basketball…


‘I have to say that this is my best and most powerful video yet. This song and video is coming from a place of pain…

At this time of year there are many different posts about Martin Luther King Jr. Usually they rehash the same information. Here are 8 facts…

[twitter-follow screen_name=’Elev8Official’ How can you love someone who turns their back on you and still forgive them from the heart?). He calls us back to…

Where do you go when a song you release becomes an anthem. Some people are scared. Some people quietly live off that one song for…

When legend Andraé  Crouch died he left behind a blue print. It is a blue print  that helped shape most if not all of today’s…

Happy 2015! Now is the time for  a brand new start! Try these 3 steps  for a better you. 1. Give yourself positive feedback Whether…