About Marcus D. Wiley

Today Bishop Secular talks about a friend that has his priorities out of order when it comes to the church. Listen now to hear what the Bishop had to say.…

Today Bishop Secular talks about theater hopping and how it is the movies fault that it happens. Listen now to hear what the Bishop had to say. Get…

This morning Bishop Secular addresses the issue on why some people do not answer the phone when there is an unfamiliar number. Find out why you should just…

Church! Today Bishop Secular talks about his alcoholic uncle and his unhealthy lifestyle. Listen now to hear Bishop’s new sermon “My Drunk Uncle.” Get “The Yolanda…

Bishop Secular delivered this bit on the One Love Gospel Cruise, and he reminded those in attendance to leave with what they came with, by…

There is a lot of things you can buy online. Find out what one thing the Bishop doesn’t want at the winter conference. Hear all…

When you hear the word concussion, you think of football players or boxers. Today the Bishop tells us of another kind of concussion. Hear all…

This morning, Bishop Secular talks about a new mobile tithing service that helps pay your tithes by text message. Find out what he plans to call it. Hear all about it here…

This morning, Bishop Secular talks about how important events are for the church, and how hard it is finding a sponsor. Find out who the…

This morning, Bishop Secular asks the question: How many buttons should a man have on his coat? What happen to one button coats? Hear all about it here…