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  1. Let us prove ourselves to be, “…truthful loyal and entirely reliable and faithful throughout, so that in everything” we are ornaments who make the preaching of the gospel attractive (Titus 2:10, AMP).
    1. Are you truly faithful, loyal and reliable? Can God rely on you?
      1. An ornament is used to decorate.
      2. When something is attractive, it is pleasing to the eyes and arouses.
      3. We have been called to win souls to the Kingdom of God and make the Gospel attractive.
      4. Jesus made the gospel attractive; therefore, people constantly followed Him.
      5. Who is following you?
      6. When people see your life, they should be drawn to you, and desire to follow Jesus.
  2. Our faith can be seen (Mark 2:4-12, AMP).
    1. Four men carrying a sick man in a bed came to see Jesus, but the house was overcrowded.
      1. The men climbed on top of the roof of the house and lowered the man down before Jesus.
      2. When Jesus saw this bold act, He saw their faith and forgave their sins.
      3. There were scribes observing the entire situation, and they began to reason within their minds.
      4. They thought, “Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God only?” (Mark 2:7).
      5. However, at Jesus’ command, the man rose up and walked, and everyone was amazed.
      6. When people see you defeating strongholds and challenges, they will want to know about the Gospel.
  3. Be changed by the renewal of your mind; the Gospel has the power to change us (Romans 12:1-2).
    1. If any person be in Christ, he is a new creation entirely. The old creation has passed away (2 Corinthians 5:17, AMP).
    2. Let the joy that comes from Jesus’ words remain in you, so that your joy and gladness will be full (John 15:11, AMP).
      1. Being in the will of God brings joy (Romans 15:32, AMP).


Scripture References:


  • Titus 2:10, AMP
  • Mark 2:4-12, AMP
  • Romans 12:1-2
  • 2 Corinthians 5:17, AMP
  • John 15:11, AMP
  • Romans 15:32, AMP