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“I only allow that which is good into my life. No one can depress you. No one can make you anxious. No one can hurt your feelings. No one can make you anything other than what you allow.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

Moody? Grouchy? Ready to snap in any minute towards the next person that asks you what’s wrong? Well, before you let ‘em have it, CHECK YOURSELF. Check in with what’s really bothering you and come up with another alternative, before you do or say something you’ll regret.

I find that many of us are so disconnected with ourselves we sometimes don’t even know why we’re so angry.

Many people have asked me, “Simone are you ever in a bad mood? You’re always so happy, you’re always smiling.” Well, for the most part that is true. I am a very happy person, because I CHOOSE to be. I try to let a lot of things roll off my back and not rub me the wrong way. I am happy for the most part but trust me, when I’m mad, ~cracking knuckles~ watch out. Let’s just say, you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry. LOL In other words, it really takes a heck of a lot to make me lose it.

What I have been able to do most of the times, before I turn into the Incredible Hulk is to try to get a few moments of peace. I meditate, chant, pray, and journal….oh man, if I didn’t have my journal there would be a problem for all of y’all! Writing out my feelings whether good or bad is an amazing release.

One of the biggest cures for anger is catching yourself in the moment. Realizing that you do have the power to control yourself. If you can stop blaming others for “your feelings” you’ll see an instant turn around.


• You make me so angry!

• You drive me nuts!

• They get on my dang nerves!

• He makes me lose it!

• My co-workers piss me off!

• You @#$#$#%#%#$#$% (okay, this is a PG article-Just making sure you are paying attention. Hahah)