Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher have an extraordinary story to tell.  They’ve been married for 86 years. Together, they endured the Great Depression, World War II, the Korean War, Cuban Missile Crisis and Vietnam, they have seen the impact of the Civil Rights Movement, watched man land on the moon, the dropping of the atomic bomb, […]

CNN’s Nadia Bilchik talks to TJ Holmes about a European couple who were duped when renewing their vows.

Posted by MaryJoRapini at 9/13/2010 6:27 AM CDT The latest report I read (and these change every day) was that 22% of men and 17% of women cheat during a married lifetime. This number is from a reliable source, but only as reliable as the people they survey who admit it or tell untruths about […]

<==You better take time out to read the fine print or end up with one of these!

If an elephant would mess up my wedding...IT would be time for the laying of hands!LOL