By Jennipher Walters via:shine So the holidays are almost over and you’re probably feeling like the rest of Americans right now: bloated, tired and a little heavier than usual. Instead of going on a crash diet or thinking that you have to go to the gym for hours on end to start feeling like your […]

If you're like most of the world, then you always buy the name brand of praticaly everything. These are the products that you have known for generations in some cases. But some of the everyday products that we use can be geat no mater who made it. Even that jug of milk! Read this article and find out how you can save just by going non-generic.

Unless you're filthy rich, you've probably noticed that movie theater popcorn costs an arm and a leg. Still, for some unknown reason, countless consumers shell out the big bucks for this greasy flick-food.


              by Jeffrey R. Kosnett via:yahoofinance   Confession: I hate to pay for parking. Unless it’s as hot as Iraq or raining cats and dogs, I will do whatever it takes to find a legal space on the street, preferably free. And I’m good at it. It mainly takes […]


We've never saw this commercial, but this clip has gotten almost thirty million clicks on Youtube! This one will get you through your day!

There’s no reason why all of our favorite foods — from steak to burgers, from pasta to ice cream — can’t be part of a reasonable weight-loss program. We just need to get rid of old thinking. We can reverse the obesogen effect if we simply adopt these four simple laws of leanness:

Have you prayed for the healing of the Gulf water?  Hands Across the Sand is a movement made of people of all walks of life and crosses political affiliations. This movement is not about politics; it is about protection of our coastal economies, oceans, marine wildlife, and fishing industry.  Let us share our knowledge, energies […]

Take a look at what you’re putting into your body. Healthier food options – whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats – will give you the energy you need for a good workout.”

According to, BP has begun a "top kill" procedure to contain oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, a company spokesman said Wednesday.

FROM BLACKDOCTOR.ORG: Eight glasses of water here, five servings of fruits and veggies there – keeping up with all these health rules and regulations can be a pretty huge task. So, it might help you to know that you may be able to toss some of these rules right out the window.