This holiday season don’t be a victim. 1. Don’t  leave packages or valuables on the seat of your car, this creates temptation for thieves. If you must leave something in the car lock it in the trunk or put it out of sight. 2. Be sure to locate your keys before you head to your […]

While we’re home vacationing and celebrating during the holiday seasons, keeping our loved ones safe from harm is important.  Knowing how to protect our children…

Every summer, people pack their bathing suits, sunscreen, flip flops and a good book for a trip to the beach. Swimming in the ocean takes…

Fireworks and celebrations go together, especially during the Fourth of July and year end celebrations. Remember, fireworks can be dangerous, causing serious burn and eye injuries. You can help us prevent fireworks-related injuries and deaths. How? By working with a national, state or local organization where you live to promote fireworks safety in your community. […]

While we’re home vacationing and celebrating during the holiday seasons, keeping our loved ones safe from harm is important.  Knowing how to protect our children and pets from accidents and hurting themselves can make the holidays a peaceful one.