How can you love someone who turns their back on you and still forgive them from the heart?). He calls us back to himself – over and over and over again. Jesus’ story of the father and his two sons (sometimes called the parable of the prodigal son) is the longest parable in the gospels. […]

In light of all the craziness that is happening in our world with natural diasters and war, let us place all our worries and cares before the One we know cares.Throughout the Bible we are constantly reminded to “fear not.” It is not God’s will that we live in anxiety or fear, ever. Remember, He is well able to protect you, your family and all who take a stand on His Word. The following is a prayer based on Scripture.

Parenting is a hard job. It’s the one job where a great deal of what you do you learn on the fly. It is however one that if you were given a firm solid base you have a ‘leg up on”. It is by far one of the greatest, yet most daunting things that one […]

In light of our friends struggling around the world with the earthquakes and tsunami's here is the song of the few words.

How many times have we wanted someone to be honest with us? The first step in honesty is being truthful with the first person in your life. The person that you look in the mirror at everyday deserves the value of honesty.

Commitment is a word that drives people. It is the moments in which you  become the most resolute about a decision or choice. What do your choices or non choices say about you?

Tomorrow millions of Christians around the world begin their journey  toward the death and resurrection of Christ. Ash Wednesday marks the day where many people are marked upon their heads with the words “From dust you came to dust you return. At first glance it seems harsh and cold. This is actually a joyous time.

A prayer for financial security is something each of us need to say from time to time. As we head to the end of another quarter with the raising of oil prices doubts of job security creep in. We must trust that we are not the worth of our financial gain. Sometimes we are called to do something totally different.

This week's actions of Whitney Houston's daughter is a cry for wisdom. Wisdom is the one thing we all strive to have. It is often referred to as a blessing that comes with age. Each day we should strive to be wise. When we look at the actions of young people such as Whitney Houston’s daughter Bobbi Kristina we are left wondering where is the wisdom to know better.

In a new book, “How Facebook Killed the Church“, author Richard Beck argues that our new connectivity online is not necessarily a good thing for organized religion.