
Which celebrities didn’t reach fame until they were older? Find out here.

Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman has given Hillary Clinton's latest presidential advertisement a touch of sincerity and cinematic glory.

Oscar winner Morgan Freeman is embarking on a religious exploration into the concept and history of God, and he’s inviting viewers to join him on…

Oscar winner Morgan Freeman is embarking on a religious exploration into the concept and history of God, and he’s inviting viewers to join him on…

NewsOne’s Top 5 takes a quick look at the trending stories you’re talking about: He’s Back! Tracy Morgan To Host “Saturday Night Live” In October NewsOne…


Academy Awards Nominated Actor Morgan Freeman portrays Dr. Cameron McCarthy, the prosthetics doctor who fits the Dolphin Winter with an artificial tail in the movie, "Dolphin Tale".

Before Barack Obama became the first African-American President (sorry, Bill Clinton does NOT count) the only time we saw a Commander-in-Chief of color was in the movies.  Sometimes the portrayals were dignified (Morgan Freeman in Deep Impact) other times they were not (Terry Crews in Idiocracy), but nine times out of ten the world was […]

With one Oscar already under his belt, he became the first black actor since Sidney Poitier to win a coveted Best Actor Oscar…He’s not holding out for a hat-trick with British director Tony Scott’s latest blockbuster, but something tells Elaine Lipworth he has other things on his mind

Sharing the following video, which is an excellent history lesson from actor, Morgan Freeman, and reading of The Declaration Of Independence by various Hollywood celebrities.  After viewing the video, reflect on the words that follow by Frederick Douglas. Share your thoughts by commenting below. The following is an excerpt from The Life and Writings of […]