If he can bail me out of my sins,SURELY he can bail me out of jail! LOL

Mohabat News (www.mohabatnews.com) says that in the last few months a deliberate and focused campaign of threats and opposition against every and any religious belief that is contrary to those of the Shiites, especially against the Christian faith, has been underway and promoted by the Shiite clerics and all media outlets that are somehow connected […]

 Via: elev8.com As we grow up we have visions and dreams of grandeur for our family, finances, careers and our future. However those dreams quickly fade away once the reality of life appears.   We sometimes allow the challenges of life to take us down a path most traveled and we forget about our dreams and […]

As we grow up we have visions and dreams of grandeur for our family, finances, careers and our future. However those dreams quickly fade away once the reality of life appears.  

MSNBC reports: Police say a Pittsfield woman has been cited for running down a man named Lord Jesus Christ as he crossed a street in Northampton on Tuesday. The 50-year-old man is from Belchertown. Officers checked his ID and discovered that, indeed, his legal name is Lord Jesus Christ. He was taken to the hospital […]

A Texas Baptist layman who was ministering in Haiti led a voodoo priest to faith in Christ.