
By David Zinczenko via:yahoohealth “I don’t know what to order,” my friend told me over lunch recently. We were sitting in a great new Italian restaurant near my office. “I know,” I replied, scanning the menu. “Everything looks terrific!” “Yeah, but everything is bad for you!” she exclaimed, practically in tears. “I’m passing on the […]

By Jennipher Walters via:shine So the holidays are almost over and you’re probably feeling like the rest of Americans right now: bloated, tired and a little heavier than usual. Instead of going on a crash diet or thinking that you have to go to the gym for hours on end to start feeling like your […]

(From Fat-free is the healthiest choice. Don’t eat after the sun goes down. Eat a low carb diet. We’ve all been exposed to various “diet tips” over the years and, accurate or not, many of us still live by them. It’s time to demystify six of these outdated and unhelpful rules once and for […]