
Working at home takes a certain set of personality traits. So any moms  considering a work at home endeavor should take a good look at their own personality before getting started working at home.Here are three traits you must have to be a successful work at home mom: Be Organized: Most companies have built-in organization […]

Job interviews are nerve-racking and an interview that goes badly can turn even the most confident person into a sobbing mess. Hopefully, these 16 tips will help put your mind at ease, and make your next job interview bearable, perhaps maybe even an enjoyable experience! 1. Be Confident. It may seem obvious but confidence is […]

Working at home has its ups and downs. But I must say the positives of it heavily outweigh the negatives. In fact, I’ve come up with 5 great reasons to be a work-at-home mom. The income each mom needs to bring into the home could be differently, but our reasons for working at home are […]

As life expectancies continue to rise and early retirement mounts due to layoffs or medical conditions, you will need to sustain yourself for more years in retirement compared to your parents’ generation. The biggest part of your financial success is having a plan. AXA advisers say it’s good for young professionals just starting out to […]

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced today nearly $110 million is available through three grant programs to help families who receive HUD rental assistance get the necessary education or job training to gain employment. One of the grant programs also helps senior citizens connect with supportive services to allow them to remain […]

Spring is a time to clean and renew. We open windows to let in sunlight, clean the house and get the yard in shape. This is also a great time to review and tidy up your finances. Here are some ways to spruce up your personal portfolio and work out a budget this spring: Gather […]

Well first of all, work at home moms can be whoever they want to be and there millions of business concepts out there to choose from. These home businesses help moms earn extra money. In these hard times and it would be a lot of comfort for moms to have a little bit of financial […]

Thou shalt not be required to financially support your church – but you should anyway. That’s the upshot of a new informal survey of evangelical leaders finding that less than half believe that the Bible requires church members to tithe, the practice of giving at least 10 percent of one’s income to the church. via: CNN

Once upon a time and not too long ago bad financial management use to only mean bad credit.

There are many reasons for moms to start a business from home. One main reason is to spend more quality time with the family.