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The company Weatherproof has come under fire from the White House for using the President’s image in their newest ad campaign.

The photo of President Obama was taken by the Associated Press, and features him standing at the Great Wall of China with a pensive expression. Although the company never contacted the White House for permission to use the image in its ad campaign, the company president Freddie Stollmack still appears to be proud off his brazen choice. According to NY Magazine,

Stollmack has been gloating over the President’s choice since he ordered a high-res version of the photo and examined the logo and zipper pull with a magnifying glass to determine that it was, in fact, Weatherproof.

The company has even gone as far as renaming the coat pictured as “the Obama Jacket.” The ad was installed on a billboard in New York City’s famous Time’s Square, one of the most visible areas in terms of its ad space.

More than likely we’ll be seeing the huge image come down as swiftly as it went up. Nonetheless, looking good Pres!

This incident comes on the heels of an anti-fur campaign illegally using an image of Michelle Obama. Read more about it here.

Read more about the Weatherproof ad at NY Magazine.