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(HOUSTON, TX)–The new head of Houston’s Disabilities Office says the disability community is diverse.   Mayor Annise Parker introduced Jay Stiteley, a former teacher of the blind, who also happens to be blind himself.


“I look forward to working with the community of disabled individuals here ….I don’t feel I will be representing them, I feel that it’s important that I work with them because not everybody’s disability is the same, not everybody’s needs are the same, and it’s important to recognize that”



While the mayor bragged about Stiteley’s experience and accomplishments, she admitted to being equally as charmed by his canine companion, his seeing eye Labrador, Hagar.



“The dog is really cute; it’s always about the dog.”



Stiteley takes over the Mayor’s Office of People with Disabilities, which is now celebrating twenty-one years of service.



Mayor Parker Introduces New Head of City Disabilities Office  was originally published on