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Notice it doesn’t say “thanks be to God who gave us the victory centuries ago.” No, it says “who gives us the victory.” That means present tense—today and every day!

The question is what are we going to do with that victory? Are we going to leave it on the table, so to speak, and just look at it in God’s Word? Or are we going to pick it up by faith and activate it in our lives? Even if things aren’t perfect, we can take hold of victory by having the right perspective. That means instead of pointing out all your mistakes and failures, you can say something like, “I may not be all I want to be, but I’m further than I was yesterday!” Even if you’ve fallen, even if you’ve taken a step backwards, you can take hold of victory right now by saying, “Jesus, I have sinned against You. I’ve done wrong. I did some things and said some things I wish I wouldn’t have. So right now, I’m asking You to just cleanse my heart and mind.”

See, you don’t have to live another second in regret. You don’t have to punish yourself for your mistakes. Jesus already took on your punishment on the cross over 2000 years ago. Today, you can rise up in faith and take hold of the victory He is offering you. Don’t just try to hide your past. Don’t just try to cover it up. Instead, receive His love today. Let Him make you new. Let Him infuse you with His power to overcome. Receive His strength today. Receive His joy. Receive His hope, and receive His victory for you in every area of your life!