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There comes that point in the journey of life when you have just got to trust the flow.

You simply believe that the Universe is on your side. You believe that you have Asked

and it is now Given. You have Asked and it is now Answered. It is imperative at

this point that you align yourself with your dream. In other words…it is DONE.

Can we say DONE and mean it? Can we say DONE and then be on our way

enjoying our life and our journey? Can we live in the trust that it is Done and our

task is to simply align with our dream on a daily basis? Can we say Done and

Next? At this point if you are not living in the trust you are living in resistance.

Resistance is demonstrated in your life as fear, disappointment, doubt,

cynicism…etc. etc. And, resistance will not get you to where you dream to be.

Resistance looks like marching forward toward your dreams and desires but with a

huge wind generator on you every step of the way. The path is hard and not sure

footed. Remember, it is on its way. Again, can you say done and then Next?

1. List the Excuses or Resistance that might be coming up for your 3 BIG


2. Now write the positive flip of that excuse or resistance that aligns with your


3. Your Affirmation: “I stay in flow with ease and effortlessness.”

Sending positive vibes – Robin

Related articles:

Affirmation For Today:  “I Am Capable Of Creating Dreams I Can Achieve”

Affirmation For Today: ” I Create Dreams With Focus And Passion”

Affirmation For Today: “I Align Easily And Effortlessly With My Own Well Being”

Affirmation For Today: “I Have An Abundance Of Energy And Creativity”

3 Steps To Whatever You Want To Be, Do Or Have