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Total package,” announced Grandma Hilda, who twinkled and patted my hand. She seemed right: “Phillip’s” 1,000 watt smile, endless church commitments, and Jesus-talk whisked me off my feet. He showered me with attention, talked marriage, and snowed my parents.

My mother turned into a professor lecturing me on Marriage 101. Yes, marriage seemed just around the corner. It elated me to think God had provided someone so wonderful for me.

Slice! A dagger stabbed my heart: “Phillip” cheated…with someone at his church. Then, he blamed me for his infidelity and insulted me. He liked me for external qualities – including my being a speaker, actress, and singer. He couldn’t keep up “the Christian courtship act” any longer.

I felt like someone died. Sheer shock. Flashbacks to his flashy smile, Jesus-talk, and unkempt promises crashed over me like numbing, heavy waves. Man, it hurt.

After the break-up, friends cautiously emerged from hiding: Other “copycat Christians” had played the same game of false blame. Upon learning the true Christians wouldn’t compromise, the copycats dumped them faster than junk mail. They blamed the true Christians.

Copycats use Christianity to date/court. They flaunt faith through outward acts and Bible facts. They talk all about what they do for Jesus rather than what Jesus did for them. They think they know Jesus, but their actions totally deny Him (See 1 John 1-5, 2 John, 3 John).