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Here is a list of things to watch out for as your child grows and develops.

Infants (0 – 1 years old)

  • Crawl
  • Can follow moving objects with their eyes
  • Have vocabulary of one to three words in addition to “mama” and “dada”
  • Grab objects such as bottles and toys

Toddlers (2 – 3 years old)

  • Begin to feed themselves and may have accidents
  • Will begin to dress themselves
  • Begin to control body functions through toilet training (may have accidents)
  • Communicate with short complete sentences (example: “I want water.”)

Pre-schoolers (4 – 5 years old)

  • Develop fine motor skills, enabling them to tie shoelaces, cotton shirts, use scissors,and draw recognizable figures
  • Understand the concepts of time, space, and quantity
  • Are able to understand and accomplish simple health-related activities such asbrushing teeth, taking a bath, and washing hands
  • Are curious and often ask questions

School age (6 – 8 years old)

  • Develop an increased attention span and become adventurous
  • Want more emotional freedom, space from parents and privacy
  • Make sense of what is right and wrong
  • Begin to socialize more with other people

Pre-Adolescence (9 – 12 years old)

  • Experience a growth spurt with significant weight gain, muscle growth, and genital maturation
  • Friends greatly influence their decisions
  • Increased sexual curiosity
  • Experience mood swings and struggle with family relationships

Adolescence (13 – 17 years old)

  • Believe they can do everything by themselves and take risks
  • Prefer to share time with friends and not with their parents
  • Many try to experiment with alcohol and drugs out of curiosity and/or peer influence
  • Significant increase in sexual curiosity

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