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*If you’re a quick-witted Bible scholar there could be a $20,000 price waiting just for you.

Marketing expert Darrel Rundus has created a contest where the only requirement is to name the Ten Commandments of God, in order, in 20 seconds or less.

According to World Net Daily, Rundus, a self-made millionaire, will dial telephone numbers of people who have signed up online on his Ten And Win website, giving each person, in the order they are randomly selected, an opportunity to recite the Ten Commandments in 20 seconds or less.

The first successful contestant gets the $20,000 prize. Rundus will make the random calls on Friday, Nov. 13. He said he will continue taking entries for the competition until that date.

Rundus told WND he was distressed that Americans readily car recite a list of 10 stores, 10 sports teams, even 10 beers, but most can’t recite the Ten Commandments.