Academy Award Winner Jennifer Hudson is helping the people of her hometown Chicago by opening her own Weight Watchers Center.

Russell Simmons says that the channel will truly be diverse and not segregated as is the standard now. He has also revealed that he's working with a Hollywood legend in a TV project.

Zacardi Cortez will be talking about his new single "One More Time"!

LeCrae lays open his soul care in this video where he talks about becoming a rapper and significance in life.

Hallmark is now offering condolence cards made especially for people who just lost their job.

Good morning blessed Family remember The LORD is our shepherd,

Happy Hump Day Saints… You are almost over the Hump. Procrastination is a strange phenomenon. Experts define it as an intention to do something, but acting contrary to the intention by postponing it or doing something else. It often seems to be a good solution for making life more enjoyable (by delaying unpleasant responsibilities), but […]

This is how you GET AFTER IT IN CHURCH!!!!! LOL

If you will live like no one else will now, you willl live like no one else can later! Starting small can pay off big. If you choose wisely and persevere, a modest monthly investment can produce a nest egg that will let you retire comfortably. If you will live like no one else will now, you willl live like no one else can later!