To switch, or not to switch? It took me a long time to build up the courage to get rid of my iPhone and buy an HTC Droid Incredible. The iPhone is an amazing accomplishment, and I had a great few years with it. But there were a few things that kept driving me crazy.

Ingredients 2 cups vanilla ice cream 1 cup whole milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

An epic restoration effort History glows on the screen as Paramount introduces a digital restoration of the longer, road show version of 1956’s ‘The Ten Commandments.’ There will be a lot of history on display Monday night when

The immigration debate has drawn Latinos into the public square more fully than ever before — and Hispanic Protestants in particular — Gabriel Salguero, a noted Latino evangelical author and thinker, recently

Thousands of Houstonians now have this same idea. They are investing in their future by spending money on going back to school.

Police say he resisted arrest -- his wife tells a different story.

It's no myth: More couples than ever are relying on two incomes to get by. According to the Families and Work Institute in New York, 79 percent of today's married couples have both people in the work force, up from 66 percent in 1977. But at some point, life happens — you start a family, go back to school or face a layoff — and this new reality may force you and your partner to question whether you're ready to jump off of the dual-earner treadmill.

According to Donna Richardson Joyner, there are three components of the Body Gospel fitness program: cardio, strength and flexibility.  Strength training gives muscles shape and increases metabolism. SOURCE: CBN News | The 700 Club

Good morning blessed Family remember When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

Type 2 diabetes is disease in which a person’s insulin levels are low relative to the glucose concentration in the body.  Although a type 2…