By Sam Grobart via:yahoofinance Ariel Dunitz-Johnson, a 30-year-old illustrator in San Francisco, bought a point-and-shoot camera in May. But in July, she bought a smartphone, with a camera built in. Soon, whenever she wanted to take a picture, she found herself reaching for the smartphone, a Droid Incredible. She barely uses her point-and-shoot, a Panasonic […]

By Mashaun D. Simon At a time when it seems African-Americans are the worst hit in every category from unemployment to health care, and social and political representation, a group of black church leaders is re-emerging to help create a unified voice for the black community. The Conference of National Black Churches, a collaboration between […]

              This is another instalment of Praiseman’s Holiday Recipies. In recent years, the christmas dinner has been difrerent from the turkey and all the thanksgiving fixings. Have you ever wanted to do a rib roast for your hungry holiday bunch? Paula Deen has a simple recipe that will be […]

As important as your religious beliefs may be to you, they don’t necessarily make you happier, a new study in the American Sociological Review finds. What does make you more satisfied with your life, the study finds, is having friends at your congregation and a strong religious identity. “Those are the people who give you […]

              This is another edition of Praiseman’s Holiday Recipes. Try something new this holiday! Get this recipe and become the semi-homemade cook of your kitchen. Sandra Lee will show you how to make this wreath with only a few store bought items!

CNN reports this story: Elizabeth Edwards, the estranged wife of former North Carolina senator and presidential candidate John Edwards, died Tuesday after a lengthy battle with cancer, according to a family spokesperson. She was 61. The Edwards family released a statement Tuesday: Elizabeth Anania Edwards, mother, author, advocate died today at her home in Chapel […]

            This is another instalment of Praiseman’s Holiday Recipes. Can’t decide on what to get that person with a sweet tooth? How about some chocolate covered stuff? Anne Burrell from the Food Network has the recipe to do it!

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Though $50 won’t make all your wildest dreams come true, it’s no chump change, either. There’s still a lot you can get for $50 these days: a haircut, dinner for two, a tank of gas, a 50-day supply of macaroni and cheese. It can buy a lot of life’s necessities and


The Winter is making a big statement all across the U.S. this holiday season.  Heavy winds, cold flurries and a lot of snow have ushered  into many cities and made a grand entrance.  Bundling up and keeping warm is the best way to survive this season.  Who likes to be cold anyway?