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Here’s another great financial tip from our partner Ash Cash!!

Dear Ash Cash,

I recently created a budget and noticed that the

majority of my money is going towards food. I am eating healthy now so

that may be the reason why its so high; as you know healthy food is

expensive…. So How Can I eat Healthy and Still save money?

Hi Katie, Eating healthy and saving money may sound like an oxymoron

but there are actually ways to make this happen. As we know when you

are buying fast food, it is common knowledge that healthy food is

expensive and unhealthy food is cheap. But if you started cooking more

at home you would begin to see a significant shift in your wallet

size. This is the most important change you can make to save money.

When you eat out what you are paying for is convenience and with

convenience comes a hefty price. Also try shopping in advance so that

you always have something available to cook at home to avoid the

temptation of eating out. Lastly Buy in bulk… Places like costco’s,

sams clubs, or even Bj’s can provide you deep discounts if you buy in


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